15 Jun Choosing The Garden Shed Of Your Dreams
If you are someone who loves to spend time in the garden, then you will be more than aware of the importance of a good quality shed! Whether you want to keep all of your tools in it, or you actually want a shed that you can spend some time in for the purpose of a hobby, there is always a checklist of things to consider before making a final decision on the type that you buy. Here at Just Sheds, we have a wide range of options for customers to browse through, one to fit all and any occasion! With that in mind, here are some tips for choosing the best shed for you.
The first consideration is what kind of material do you want your shed to be made from? The most common choices are the trio of wood, metal or plastic, and each have their own pros and cons. Wooden sheds tend to be cheapest, metal sheds will not rot or face burning down, and plastic sheds are the most maintenance-free of the bunch. We use Genuine Bluescope and COLORBOND® steel to guarantee quality.
We always recommended getting the biggest shed that your space will allow for, because there is always more stuff to go in it that you can imagine! In general, the smallest size of shed you should be settling for is in the 6ft x 8ft region.
There are plenty of really cheap sheds on the market, but you don’t want to penny pinch to the point where the shed you end up with is too flimsy and brittle to be effective. Make sure to check the sturdiness of a shed before you commit to buying it.
Depending what kind of activities or storage you are planning on in your shed, you will need to assess the kind of access that is provided. You might need a double door rather than a single, or maybe a sliding door instead.
So, if you are looking for the best shed to give your garden that boost that it needs, then please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us here at Just Sheds. Feel free to contact any member of our team, we all have the experience and knowledge to be able to give you the best advice for your circumstances. We very much look forward to being able to improve the look and functionality of your garden!
If your looking for a shed in Brisbane, we service throughout South East Queensland.