How To Organise Your Shed Space

sheds sunshine coast

How To Organise Your Shed Space

Guide to organising your garage or shed 

When you think about it, the only realistic and logical place that you have on your property to keep all of your garden and outdoor equipment safe and secure is your shed. It’s fair to say that the shed might just be the room in the home that has the least care and attention given to it, but the difference a well organised area can make is massive! Here at Just Sheds, we provide some of the best sheds in the region, along with some of the best advice for getting the most out of them. Here are some of the best tips for how to organise your shed space to optimise it.

Magnetic Bar

One of the best things you can do for your shed is install a magnetic bar along a wall in order to provide a space for your tools to be kept in order and at hand. Being able to organise your tools up on a wall and not have them sitting around on various surfaces can make a huge amount of difference to the overall orderliness of the space. Hanging tools is also less dangerous than leaving them lying around. 

Open Shelving

Open shelving is much preferred to covered shelving because it forces you to be more conscious about where you put things and how much you stuff on to one single shelf. When you have a cupboard door to hide everything, it tempts people to just shove as much as they can into the space without really thinking about it.

Chemical Storage

It is important to make sure that you dedicate a space for just the chemicals that you might have stored in your shed. You don’t want to risk chemicals spilling and interacting with other materials that you might have laying around. The safer your shed is, the better, and that is all about having your tools in responsible place and having your chemicals stored away in a responsible place also.

If you want to boast one of the best sheds in your own back garden, then please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us! No matter what kind of shape or size you are looking for, we can guarantee that we have stock to suit your needs and complete your project. A member of the trained and experienced team will always be on hand to answer any questions that you might have. We look forward to hearing from you!

Check out our previous post on Everything You Need To Know About Industrial Sheds